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A member registered Jan 28, 2022

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I'll go first! My character is a Mist Maid, really cool title right? He's a maid (surprising ik) of lonely, with interests being endings and light. His strongest stat is Calm, and uses ranged skills in battle. His main story quest and backstory involve him being isolated and alone, until he became a prophet and well known and now talks to everyone. 

Really having fun with this character, gonna try to go for something melee next time,  maybe something with hunting or spiral? I heard there's a whole secret maze area hidden somewhere but you may need special skills to find it. 

Hey guys, whether you are completely new to zampanio, or if you've played before, we all have something in common: to start the game, we create our own character. And of course, sharing them is fun! It can be simply a character you created to play as, or your own "zampanio-sona", or even a fully fledged OC, depends on you.

Zampanio is really fun! In a strange, sort of way, but still an incredible journey through and through. The sim is a surprisingly faithful recreation of the original, capturing the atmosphere perfectly. There are some gameplay differences of course, system limitations played a role I imagine, plus the original zampanio got really experimental at some parts - but I actually prefer the sim's combat system to the original! Makes the boss fights more dynamic imo. Too bad zampanio is such a niche, hard to find game, but I'm really glad new fans get to experience it through the sim!